Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Things are getting pretty hairy at GGS

When Emily, the Studio Manager here at GGS, asked if I was going to be growing a moustache for Movember (sic) I, understandably I think, asked what (on Earth) she was talking about. Turns out that in 2003 a couple of chaps sitting about in Melbourne, Australia came up with a plan to bring the moustache back as a bit of a joke and to do something for men’s health. Ultimately this became a worldwide venture to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity which involved large numbers of people growing a moustache (or Mo') during the month of November.

I was inspired. No stranger to a bit of the old 'face furniture' over the years I felt this was a no brainer; especially as it didn't involve walking up Snowdon backwards with a jelly balanced on my head or eating my own weight in toenails or similar. Consequently, I simply avoided the upper lip and associated areas, when shaving, as of November the first. Paul, our Print Manager was persuaded to participate as well and between us we managed to raise over £520.00.

Almost 450,000 participants, globally, with over 111,000 being in the UK, have, at the point of writing, raised a staggering £39,498,381!

Well done Mo' Bro's (and Sistas)!


ps It's coming off at the weekend, if not sooner. I've decided the 70's throwback look is not for me.

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