Monday, 22 June 2009

Screw surviving...

Attended a truly inspiring seminar at the Holiday Inn North, Norwich, last Thursday. Presented by Nigel Botterill, CEO of N5, founder of 'thebestof' franchise and a top entrepreneur, it was called 'Screw Surviving...' and was billed as an event to 'ensure your business expands and grows during the recession and make 2009 & 2010 super prosperous years for you'

What a great way to spend a day. Full on right from the start, Nigel is highly motivational and packed his presentation with hints and tips on how to grow a business - and plenty of examples of how not to! It was thought provoking, inspiring, energising, revealing, enlightening, funny, and worth more than I paid! His dynamism is infectious and this was definitely the best of any such event I have ever attended. It is easy to see why he is in the top 50 entrepreneurs in the country.

Right; time to get on and put some of his ideas into practice...

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