Monday, 22 November 2010

35 years and one month

Yes, I'm still banging on about GGS having been in business for 35 years. I know it was a while ago but I've just received these shots taken at the Chamber of Commerce Business to Business exhibition just over a month ago at the Norwich City football ground. Thought I would give them a blogging.

The first shot is of Directors Chris Ball and Peter Griffin with Caroline Williams, Chief Executive of the Chamber cutting the birthday cake. Very kind of Caroline to don a GGS themed balloon hat for the shot..


The Directors receive their award for Best Stand from Caroline Williams and Jonathan Wills, news presenter on ITV Anglia. No offence Jonathan, but can we have Becky Jago next time?

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Sailing, climbing, walking, paragliding, power boating, ... oh... and Stand building

Same person, same shirt, different town.

Having had a week back in the office after Cairo, it was time for Duncan to depart for Cape Town for some
sailing, climbing, walking, paragliding, power-boating etc... err... I mean stand building for the Africa Com exhibition held at the Convention Centre. This event was much larger than North Africa Com (the Cairo show previously documented) and with show space at a premium it was really important to cover all key requirements within a modest 6 x 3 metre space. So a working demonstration area, reception counter, store room, client seating and product display area were all incorporated into the design - not forgetting high level branding visible from all areas. The stand build went according to plan and Cambridge Broadband Networks had another successful show.

Hoorah for GGS!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Holidays for Duncan

Ancient artefact and a pyramid

Having been commissioned to design and build an exhibition stand for Cambridge based Cambridge Broadband Networks at North Africa Com in Cairo, it would have been foolish not to have also done a whistle stop tour of Cairo's main attractions - Pyramids, Egyptian Museum etc.

But this was work, and not a holiday (!), and needless to say the stand installation and breakdown went without a hitch. The client was absolutely delighted with the stand and the show was a resounding success.

Designed and built using existing GGS Octanorm modular hire stock, the stand was sent to the venue by air freight. Thankfully all of the kit cases were waiting on the stand space when Duncan arrived (phew); ready to build and install all the client's product /equipment.

Tomorrow duncan heads off to Cape Town to perform a similar exercise at Africa Com. This will also be built using Octanorm hire stock, but on this occasion due to higher air freght costs (bigger stand, further to go) we have partnered with a Cape Town based company who use exactly the same world leading Octanorm modular hire equipment as us. GGS will build the stand on site, install all the clients demonstration equipment, and be available for support for the duration of the exhibition.

And, no doubt, there will be some more sightseeing...