Friday, 29 January 2010

Oh, the ignominy!

The GGS team didn't exactly perform well at Thursday's Chamber of Commerce Networking/Bowling event at NUMBERten BOWL in Bowthorpe. The pins at the end of Lane 19 were relatively untroubled by advancing bowling balls and on the whole managed to remain in an upright position for a large portion of the game. As a result Team GGS were placed fairly low down on the leaderboard. At the bottom in fact. Yes; we came LAST!! Clearly every one else at the event cheated by using skill, manual dexterity, hand/eye co-ordination etc. which gave them an unfair advantage. (Some even used a cunning device which barricaded the gutters!) No sour grapes there then...
Thanks go to Peter Treglown of FOUR for stepping into the bowling shoes vacated by Peter Griffin. I suspect that our overall score would have been even lower than it actually was (hard to imagine, I know) if our Peter, whose sporting prowess is measured in minus figures, had managed to make it. We apologise unreservedly for letting him down with a performance the likes of which have not been seen since... the last time we were there.
Despite all team members being presented with a 'Losers' certificate we had a great time and are determined to improve for next time... when we expect to come second from last at the very least. Clearly we had better stick to our day jobs (which we are much better at - honest).

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

GGS, exhibition stands & the environment

Environmental issues and recycling are big issues in industry today and here at GGS we always aim to minimise our impact on the the environment. Every aspect of our business is conducted according to our strategy to do this and be an environmentally conscious and responsible company.

This is one reason why GGS has chosen to be a display partner with Octanorm, a world leader in the manufacture and distribution of modular aluminium systems for the exhibition and display stand industry. Using aluminium modular exhibition systems means that a large proportion of the exhibition stand can be reused, reconfigured or recycled after use.

When creating this exhibition stand (above) for WTA Books, we created it using the modular Octanorm aluminium structure so that the stand could be adjusted in size in relation to the amount of floor space available at exhibition events. Using modular exhibition stands in this way is both environmentally and financially beneficial to our clients.

Some other key areas of our environmental policy are to:

  • Reduce consumption of physical resources, including energy and water, by increasing awareness amongst our staff and adopting good practices.

  • Reduce manufacturing waste and administrative waste through consideration and good practice.

  • Donate surplus material off-cut to Scrapbox for re-use in playgroups.

  • Recycle waste materials wherever possible.

  • Choose energy efficient, non-polluting technology when equipment needs to be replaced.

  • Reduce carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption by ordering stock in bulk to minimise long distance deliveries.

  • Minimise pollution from printing processes by using low-emitting inks wherever possible and disposing of all hazardous waste inks in accordance with environmental legislation.

  • Use only CFC free printing inks.

  • Aim to use paper materials produced from sustainable forest wherever possible.

  • Recycle electronic equipment where possible including digital ink cartridges.

  • Discourage unnecessary document printing by providing our customers with emailable pdfs of technical information and user instructions for display equipment.

By implementing and continuously improving upon this strategy, we aim to fulfill our commitment to protect the world in which we live and work. About GGS - We are a design led visual media company providing a wide range of creative products and services to our clients. Our services include exhibition stands; pop-ups; banner stands; large format digital printing, graphic design, commercial photography and web design & hosting. Based in Norwich, Norfolk, England, GGS has been established for over 33 years and works with companies of all sizes to improve their image.